Decorating with Slipcovers

Same Couch – 3 Slipcover Styles
We love slipcovers. They are so simple, and knowing you can remove them and wash anytime, takes so much frustration away. Also, we have several sets of custom slipcovers, and we can switch them out anytime they need to be cleaned, or we want to seasonally change them. We can change the entire feel of the room by switching out these covers in about 20 minutes.
Many people love the look of a white couch, but out of fear don’t get one. Slipcovers add this white couch option back for you. We did scotch guard the white when we first got it, and it is a good idea to do it at least every other time you wash it. Some stains may not come out without it. But it is nice to know you can toss it in the wash to freshen it up, add a bit of clorox or oxi-clean, and it come out fresh and new.

When we tire of white, we pull them off, wash them, pack them away, and pull out another color. In this photo, you can see we went with a pale-yellow buffalo check. It changes the feel of the entire room. While you can use it anytime, it is so fresh and clean that it normally finds its way out in the Spring.

It doesn’t happen every year, but this red buffalo check slipcover it perfect for Christmas! It is so warm, and mixes well with my Christmas decor. It usually stays on through Valentine’s Day at least.

Does anything say country more than blue buffalo check? Summertime is a great time to bring out the blues. Possibly my favorite set. I also love to find coordinating quilts to toss over the ottoman.
You can actually pick up very basic slipcovers at most home stores, but we wanted a slightly different look, so we found a lady locally who actually made the covers for us, using fabric that we chose. Not only does the couch itself have a cover, so does each individual pillow and cushion. This gives a nice, finished look, and most people don’t actually believe the couch is slip covered.
A few important things to remember about your slipcovers. Don’t put them up in storage dirty. Wash them, let them completely dry, fold, and put them in a chest or plastic container. Old stains will be harder to get out later.
Here is just one example of a practical reason to love slip covers. Last Christmas, ‘Casper’ managed to spill something all over one of the cushions. Luckily, I was able to remove just the one cover, and immediately stain treat it and put it in the washing machine! Here is a quick video showing just how simple it is to swap out your slip covers. (This is, of course, on a speed setting. The entire process took approximately 20 minutes-the video is just 3 minutes.)