Dehydrated Carrot Chips

Sugar, CoCo, and Chanel absolutely love dehydrated carrot chips. I used to purchase them at our local grocery store, but for some reason, they decided to stop carrying them. In an effort not to have a bunny mutiny on my hands, I have been attempting to re-create them. Now, you can bake them in the oven, but they just didn’t taste the same, and there was serious bunny rejection of baked carrot chips.
I gave up for awhile, but then I got a dehydrator for Christmas. Now, I think we have the perfect recipe for the dehydrated carrot chips, and there is no recipe required.
What is great is the fact that you can dehydrate most fruits. You can see here, that I had some extra strawberries that we didnt finish, I sliced them and added them to this. It is so much better than letting them go to waste.

~All you need is~
Organic carrot, strawberry, apple, etc.
1 Dehydrated
1 Sharp Knife
~Scrub the carrot
~Slice the carrot very thin
~Arrange on dehydrator in single layers, not touching
~Turn dehydrator on high
~It took approximately 12 hours on low to achieve the ‘chip.’
You may have to adjust the temperature and cook time depending on your dehydrator. You want the chip to have no moisture left in it, and to give a nice snap when you break it apart. Any moisture can make the entire jar or bag mold quickly.

Decision? Bunny Approved!
But please, limit the treats. Carrots are high in sugar, and dehydrated carrots
have an even higher concentration of sugar. So, these are special treats for
very good bunnies. I usually give one per day, so one batch will last for a long time.
These are the exact tools I used to create the carrot chips.