True Tales from Happy Days Farm

True Tales From Happy Days Farm- Almost four years ago, I wrote a collection of children’s stories about life at Happy Days Farm. I put it on the back burner for a couple of years, then began looking for a publisher. I had several positives responses, but they wanted to change some things and shorten the stories too much. That hurt my heart! These children’s stories meant something to me personally. Each section had a purpose, and it told real events from life on the farm. They weren’t simply ‘children’s stories’ to me. If my purpose was to teach children a little bit about life on the farm, then shortening the book by over half wouldn’t accomplish that.

Because of this, I decided to self-publish, and began searching for an artist. Well, as you can see here, everything finally came together. I am so excited! True Tales from Happy Days Farm is a large, hard back book, with 64 pages! The illustrations beautifully depict the characters you see and read about here at Happy Days Farm perfectly! There are four stories in all, ‘Chachi Does the Cha Cha’, ‘Kenny the Guinea’, ‘Marilyn Lays an Egg’, and ‘Sugar’s First Christmas’. I love that my book is unique in that each story tells about actual events that have happened on the farm. People who work on or live on a farm will easily recognize events in each story, whether it is the events leading up to laying an egg, an egg song, how a rooster courts his hens, the wanderings of guinea fowl, or rescuing a rabbit, each story has a purpose and a lesson about life on a farm.

You can find ‘True Tales From Happy Days Farm’Β  here

Β Here is a preview of the inside