Using Chamomile With Chickens and Rabbits

Chamomile is a very overlooked herb. It is simple plant that is easy to grow, maintain, harvest, dry, and use. Its uses are plentiful. Whether you enjoy a simple cup of chamomile tea to calm your nerves, or you use a strong brew to cleanse a wound, its uses are varied and many. It is both a relaxant and an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and an anti-biotic. This makes chamomile a very powerful tool to have in your medicine cabinet.
For animals, it is important to note that it is safe and gentle, but you should always be in contact with your veterinarian anytime you have a sick animal. The good thing about chamomile tea is that it will not interfere with any medicines that they may want to prescribe.
Chamomile for Eye Issues
You can use chamomile to treat eye issues in both rabbits or poultry. A word of warning. I brew a cup of tea, allow it to cool some, and then use the tea bag as a warm compress for eye issues, or to wipe a wound. The fact that it is gentle makes it perfect for flushing an eye. It is also known to help treat some issues such as ‘pink eye.’ Most eye issues will require drops, whether antibiotic or anti-inflammatory, but until you can get to the vet, this chamomile wash can give them some comfort and relief. I prefer to make my own tea bags with the bulk chamomile tea I keep on hand. Making them yourself assures you of the highest quality chamomile, and you can be sure that there is nothing else added to the bag.

Chamomile for Stress
Adding some dried chamomile flowers to feed dishes is also a great way to offer this herb to either your poultry flock or your rabbit. They will snack on it along with their feed and enjoy all the benefits that it offers. You can also give them chamomile tea in a separate water dish, or a syringe. This totally depends on your animal. You never want to create more stress, while trying to relieve stress. I can give my rabbits chamomile tea in a syringe by just letting them lick the end, I don’t have to hold them or force it. If I had to do that, I wouldn’t offer it for stress issues. Also, if you offer it in a bowl, make sure you have it only as an option. Have their normal water bowl with fresh water available. You don’t want them to not drink water because they don’t like the taste.

Chamomile for Insect Repellent
Chamomile also has a very pleasing scent. I add it to my nesting box blend to add a nice clean, floral scent. The nesting box herbs have many benefits of relaxing, but they are also a deterrent for insects. Chamomile, rosemary, and mint are all great for deterring rodents and insects. It isn’t fool proof, but it does help. You can simply sprinkle dried chamomile around an area, but for this purpose, I prefer to use chamomile essential oils. The more potent scent will definitely add a boost of repelling action. An easy repellent spray can be made by mixing 1 part witch hazel, to two parts water, and adding 15-20 drops of chamomile. You can also add lemon oil, tea tree oil, or lavender oils to this mixture to make it even more fragrant.

Chamomile for Stomach Issues.
Specifically for rabbits, using the chamomile tea to treat any sort of eye issues is a great choice, but it is also a popular treatment for digestive issues. During rounds of GI Stasis, a simple brew of chamomile tea can be syringe fed along with critical care. Adding additional hydration, helping with gas, and the slight antibiotic properties will all benefit your rabbit. Will it cure the issues? Probably not. Stomach issues are almost always an emergency with rabbits that will need a veterinarian’s attention immediately. They can teach you to recognize issues early, and give you emergency medications to have on hand if these issues become chronic.

Purchasing or Growing Chamomile
Growing chamomile is a fun way to add it to your home medicine cabinet. It may be difficult to grow and preserve enough to add to your feed, but it is a simply little hardy plant to add to a pot or your garden. It grows quickly, has a delicate apple scent, and you can pick the blooms and allow them to dry yourself, then store them in a jar. In addition to this, purchasing chamomile in bulk is the most time effective way. Chamomile essential oils can also be purchased.