DIY Coop Makeover for $100

While making sure your coop is safe, predator proof, and functional is very important, it may be important for you to make it cute! It doesn’t have to be horribly expensive, and many of the things you will see here today as decor, you will realize have a functional purpose also. For me, the cuter it looks, the happier I am to be out there, and once you have chickens, turkeys, or any type of backyard flock, you will realize how much time you will be devoting to their care and maintenance. Making it easier and cute will make this chore far more enjoyable. Is it necessary? I will let you decide.
We built this coop years ago to serve as the turkey house. It was very basic, and we didn’t do anything to the interior at all. Here are a few photos from inside the coop before our mini-makeover. As you can see, it is perfectly fine, clean, and functional.

Now, when we decided to work on this coop, we had a few reasons, other than just to make it look a bit better. First of all, I wanted to be able to wipe down the walls without getting splinters, and there is no electricity in this coop, so I wanted a light of some sort. We also didn’t want to spend more than $100.00.
Considering the budget, there isn’t going to be any paneling or shiplap done in here, but we still wanted the cute, farmhouse look, just on a budget. Can we accomplish this with just a can of paint?
Step one was a can of good quality paint. We purchased the type of paint that is paint/primer in one, and I also chose a semi-gloss so that I could wipe it clean. It still took two good coats to cover this plywood, but wow, what a difference it made immediately. Cost of paint $30.00

I think it needs something else……….Perhaps some log beams at the top would add some definition to all this white. Now those are definitely not in the budget. However, a small tester can of dark brown paint is! Voila! $5.00 wooden ceiling beams.

Now, we need to add some touches to warm it up a bit. A quick trip to the attic, Tractor Supply, and Amazon is going to round off our finished look.
I wanted a light of some sort in here, and I found some cute lanterns on amazon that are battery powered and they have a timer. I have them come on around 2pm, and they go off around 8 pm. You can also just turn them off and on by a switch. These ended up being my most expensive purchase. I had to dig around a bit, but I decided to use this old yoke we had in the attic of the cabin to hang them from. However, you could use a chain, or a simple coat hook. The windmill blade, on the back door, is from the Tractor Supply Red Shed Collection- click here.
Lanterns $39.99 for 2 – Windmill Blade – $9.99

Now that was fairly simple. What do we think of the finished look inside?

So, to round off the look, I recycled an old fall wreath I had in the attic, and found this adorable Homestead sign for the outside at Tractor Supply for $12.99. I think it looks great, and Popeye sure is enjoying it!
Our totals come in at: Paint $35.00, Lanterns-$39.99, Windmill- $9.99, Homestead Sign- $12.99, for a grand total of $96.98. Whenever you are trying to re-energize a place on a tight budget look around and see what you already have that you can recycle. I bet we all have items just sitting in our attics or basements that could be given a new life with just a bit of imagination. Another idea is to watch for items you love at places like Tractor Supply. This windmill piece was only $9.99. It came out with the Christmas collection. While I love the idea of using it for Christmas, it will hang year round here. Which also means, after Christmas items like this will go on clearance. Here is a link to the Red Shed Collection at Tractor Supply online, but let me encourage you to go to the store sometime to shop. This cute little Homestead sign is not online at all, many items are store exclusives.

Here is a shot of the inside at night. The lights go off right after it gets dark.

I have 6 chickens and old coop was before fox hound dog house when all done so fix small coop side I want fix up little bigger and for me sit watch them
You can definitely fix it up!