Twinkle Lights for Fairy Gardens

We love twinkle lights. They add a touch of magic to any location. If you walk around our farm you will see twinkle lights dotting the property. We have them everywhere. Twinkle lights can take an ordinary space and turn it into a magical fairy garden.
Perhaps my favorite spot is this little greenhouse area. We took an old watering can we already had, and painted it white. Then I took a drill bit and opened up five of the holes large enough for these watering can fairy lights to fit through, and I drilled a hole in the bottom corner of the can to allow rain water to run out. The waterproof battery pack fits inside the watering can. Inside the greenhouse, you can see a mini chandelier with some battery operated candles inside. Every evening around 9:00 pm, the yard begins to twinkle here, and they stay on for a few hours. Here is a video showing how it looks in this section. Here is a direct link to the watering can lights we have

We fell in love with the soft glow these created over the Christmas season, and we didn’t have the heart to take them down. So, here they stay. Each evening they come on, along with the automatic candles, and they just add so much to the dark evenings.
I love that you can get solar twinkle lights now. So, it is easy to add a little sparkle in places you may not have an electrical outlet. These little farm style solar sidewalk lights are a favorite of mine. They charge during the day and pop on right at twilight. We pick them up at Tractor Supply, but I just noticed they are also available on their website, here. We love the Red Shed collection at Tractor Supply, so don’t forget to look there when you are hunting for unique farmhouse style decor.

Another item we added this year was this solar chandelier planter. It is also from Tractor Supply. It is a bit hard to photograph at night, but it has a spotlight coming from the bottom. It shines straight down, but it is so pretty during the day also! They still have it if you want one! Click Here

Even our little metal table set isn’t safe from twinkle lights. I can see this spot from the house, and just love it. This single lantern manages to light up this entire area.

One final stop is the garden. We have some more sidewalk lights here. We use these to give a bit of light. You can often find me in the garden just after dark because I haven’t finished watering yet. So these lights help me see what I am doing. They only stay on maybe an additional 4-6 hours, so the garden does get plenty of dark.

We hope you enjoyed our little twilight tour! If you click on the link below, you will be routed to our Amazon store section for the garden, and I have linked as many items as I could find that we purchased on Amazon. Have a great day, and don’t let anyone tell you twinkle lights are only for Christmas and parties.
Just picked up your book Raising Happy Rabbits and looking forward to reading it, but actually picked it up because of the Rabbit used on your cover and inside as well as the picture here on your page.
Is it a Chinese angora? Please let me know because I have one very energetic bunny exactly like yours and just love her.
Let me know
Good Morning David, Sugar is actually a Dwarf Lionhead. He isn’t angora at all. Congrats on the new rabbit, and thanks for buying our book!